Creating a Custom Domain Name

Custom domain names are a great way to tailor your domain name to match your company brand. Here's how to do it. Before you get started, you should already have a Default Domain Name setup. You would have created this during the onboarding process. This is important as you'll need this information later.

To create your Custom Domain Name, navigate to the menu in the top right corner, and click Account Settings.

Next, click on Settings > Project Details.

From there, navigate to the Custom Domain Name section and fill in your custom domain name and click the Update button in the top right corner.

Setting Up Your DNS

For your Custom Domain Name to work correctly, you must add a CNAME to your DNS. As each person uses a different provider, it's not possible to give specific instructions on how to set up your DNS; however, this is an example of what the configuration should look like.

Checking Your link

Once you've set up your DNS as described above, go to your account, and click the "copy" button to copy your Custom Domain name.

Paste it into your browser, and you should see your public board with your new Custom Domain name. Once the board is visible, we will automatically install an SSL certificate. You may receive an error message that the sight is not secure but don't worry. Give it a couple of minutes to let the SSL installation complete. If you still receive an error message, use the help feature in bottom right corner of the page to get in touch.

It's important to note DNS replication can take up to 72 hours. If you want to check the progress of your DNS changes, navigate to DNSCHECKER, type in your domain name, choose CNAME from the dropdown, and click Search.

Adding Your Custom Domain Name To Your Site

Once you've created your custom domain name and configured your DNS, the next step is to add it to your site or platform. The example below explains how to add your custom domain name to your WordPress site.

Log on to your WordPress website > Appearance in the left-hand menu > and click Menus. For this example, we will add the feedback link to the main menu of our website. You can change this by using the dropdown in the "Select a menu to edit option."

From the Menu section, choose Custom Links. Add your custom domain name to the URL field. Give your menu option a name by filling in the Link Text field and clicking "Add to Menu."

The new menu option will be added to your main menu on your website. You can click and hold the menu option to move the link to a different location in the menu.

Click the Save Menu button and navigate to your homepage. You should see the new Feedback link in your menu.