Tags in ProductHQ allow you to categorize and label the feedback and updates in the application. By using tags, you can easily group items based on specific criteria, making it convenient to find and manage related content. This document will guide you through the process of using tags effectively in the ProductHQ application.

1. Accessing the "Tags" Feature

To begin using ProductHQ Tags, follow these steps:

  • Open your preferred web browser.
  • Visit the URL: https://app.producthq.io/
  • You will be directed to the login page. If you have an existing account, enter your credentials and click "Login." Otherwise, click "Sign Up" to create a new account.
  • After successful login/signup, you will be redirected to the main dashboard.

2. Creating Tags

To create a new tag, follow these steps:

  • Go to the menu in the top right, and click Account Settings. In the left-hand menu, click Tags.

  • In the Add Tags field, type the name of the tags. You can add multiple tags at the same time by separating them with a comma.
  • Click "Add tags" to create the tag.

  • You can make the necessary changes to the tag's name and even add a description. To delete a tag, click on the delete icon or trash bin symbol associated with the tag. Note, if you delete a tag here, it will be deleted from all ideas.

3. Using the "Tags" Feature

Admins can use and edit tags in a number of different ways. When creating an idea,

  • Provide a descriptive title for your idea in the designated field.
  • Add a detailed description of your idea, explaining its purpose, benefits, and any relevant information.
  • Select the tags that are relevant to this idea. You can select up to three tags.
  • Click the "submit idea" button.
  • If no tags have been created, you can click the Manage Tags link, which will navigate you to the Tags section where you can create tags.
  • Once a tag has been added to an idea, you can click the edit button on the idea to change the tags on that idea.
  • Once you've added tags to an idea, they will be visible at the bottom of the idea in the Upvote and Roadmap sections.